YOU MUST NOT WASTE YOUR TALENT, NOT GIVE UP YOUR PASSION articles, culture without borders, publishingsread more
On work-life balance in artistic work, or rather the lack of it… articles, innovative education, publishingsread more
Digital tools and interactive books – thoughts of the educator and an older brother articles, innovative education, publishingsread more
Next meeting of Young Artists working on creating ARTzin – Bigtime Takeover in Poland innovative education, newsread more
VX Designers – Transnational Partners Meeting in Barcelona (Spain) innovative education, newsread more
Fourth transnational partnership meeting of “Cued Speech Europa” project innovative education, newsread more
Meeting under the DigiKommune project – FEMALE CIRCLE OF STRENGTH innovative education, newsread more
The CREATIVE AGORA: empowerment and education through participatory and community arts archival, innovative education, projectsread more
ABIbooks – Acquisition of Basic skills through Interactive books archival, innovative education, projectsread more
ABI books – the first meeting of a new transnational project partnership innovative education, newsread more
The transnational Teaching Training and Learning Week for creative industry coaches and trainers – with ARTeria innovative education, newsread more
A meeting summarizing the “Bridging the Gap_ new mentoring methods for young creative entrepreneurs in Europe” project’s implementation. innovative education, newsread more
A visit in Lublin at our partner’s of the CUED SPEECH Europe project innovative education, newsread more
Learn2Create project – the end of the international pilot programme innovative education, newsread more
A training week with representatives of all partner organisations from 6 countries innovative education, newsread more
Presentation of your own creations on an international level, as part of Global FemArt innovative education, newsread more
Cued Speech Europe – the first meeting of the international project partnership innovative education, newsread more
Master the Act – the first international (online) meeting of partners of the project innovative education, newsread more
VX Designers – the first international (online) meeting of the partners of the project innovative education, newsread more
The development of ARTeria’s mentoring programme, based on Swedish and Danish experiences innovative education, newsread more
Education to Ensure Smart Skills: CCI Innovations for education & skills – with ARTeria innovative education, newsread more
The dissemination of online projects results – a webinar with ARTeria’s participation multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Remote Learning – How technology is empowering new forms of work-based learning – with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
IQ INSTITUTE in February – about the advantages of being a woman artist… innovative education, newsread more