An international project in which partners from 4 countries (Poland, Belgium, Spain and Italy) work together to promote the entrepreneurial opportunities in the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) for the youth (aged 16-30) by offering a gamified approach to...
ARTeria completed projects
The CREATIVE AGORA: empowerment and education through participatory and community arts
An international project in which partners from 7 countries (Poland, Sweden, Spain, Croatia, Greece, France and Hungary) work together to design and develop contemporary and innovative professional development practices for educators working with adults through...
ABIbooks – Acquisition of Basic skills through Interactive books
An international project in which partners from 6 countries (Poland, France, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Romania) are working on facilitating access to interactive books enabling the acquisition of math and alphabecy skills for preschool children. The project is aimed...
DigiKommune: Bringing Art to the Masses across Europe
About An international project which aims to develop new and innovative methods of supporting female artists and representatives of creative fields in the range of moving their activity online, and increasing their competences and skills of using digital tools to...
BigTime Takeover: creative empowerment for Europe’s disadvantaged youth
About An international project which aims to develop innovative methods of boosting creativity and strengthening digital skills of young people through competence development and tools for educators working with the youth. The project is pursued with partners of 5...
DiOtherCity – Digital tools and innovative city tours
About An international project which aims to develop and test an educational programme for adults, mostly concentrated on representatives of the cultural and creative sectors, that would like to get to know practical uses of digital platforms, in order to create...
European Days of Heritage
About The ARTeria Foundation was involved in establishing European Days of Heritage - a common initiative of the Council of Europe and the Council of the European Union. It is one of the most important cultural events and simultaneously one of the biggest educational...
The 11th Silesian Street and Modern Dance Workshops, the 7th Silesian Street Dance Tournament and the accompanying photography workshops, titled ‘’Danced’’
About The ARTeria Foundation was involved in organising the 12th edition of the Street Dance Festival, in the range of organising street dance workshops and a photography competition, accompanying the workshops. The project was co-financed by an open offer...
“Ujawniony” – Disclosed
About ARTeria’s Foundation publishment-exposition project, associated with intangible heritage, thanks to which a book about the figure of the Brigadier General Paweł Łaszkiewicz alias Rawicz. The project was co-financed by an open offer competition for The Office for...
The 2nd Silesian Festival ‘’Pets’ Corner’’
About The aim of the festival was to spread awareness about the value of animal presence in human lives. The programme of the festival included: a Drawing Festival, a family picnic, workshops at schools about ‘’the threats of littering and their impact on animals’’...
Strengthening the structure as well as institutional and staff resources of the ARTeria Foundation
About An ARTeria’s Foundation project, financed by the Fund for Non-Governmental Organisations, a component of ‘’Democracy and the civil society’’ within the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism.Project financing
Integration of cultural organisations of Silesian Voivodeship’s rural areas as a chance to make them more professional and to increase their productivity.
About An ARTeria’s Foundation project, which aimed to make the 3rd sector more professional - especially organisations functioning on the basis of culture, creating grounds for establishing cooperation between NGOs, preparing non-governmental organisations to actively...
Women in Jazz (WinJAZZ)
About An international project, which aimed to promote and support female jazz artists’ development, it was Carried out by partners of 3 countries (Poland, Italy and Great Britain). The project was financed by Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del...
Cooperation, communication and creativity
About An ARTeria’s Foundation project, which aimed to broaden the space and improve mechanisms of active public debate on a local and regional level of the Silesian Agglomeration, to promote activism in the inhabitants of the region in regional issues through actions...
Professional Staff of Local Media
About An ARTeria’s Foundation project, directed primarily to the staff of local media of the Silesian voivodeship, who were interested in gaining new qualifications and professional skills, renewing or increasing them. The project represented a precise response to...
European Cultural Learning Network
About An international project, which aimed to work on analysing, working out and testing new methods of supporting people and organisations associated with European cultural education. Carried out by partners from 11 countries (Poland, Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Italy,...
ArtENprise – Supporting Artists and Cultural Organizations in developing Entrepreneurial Skills
About An international project, which aimed to support artists, people and organisations associated with the cultural and creative sectors, to progress and perfect their entrepreneurial skills, as well as those who enable artistic practice and creative activity to...
Talent Matching Europe
About An international project, which aimed to develop methods and tools of supporting young, talented people through the development of mentoring and professional competences of mentors - people working with talented youngsters, institutions of the cultural sector,...
Global FemArt– Supporting Female Artists and Creatives to Globalise their Business
About An international project, which aimed to develop a mentoring-training programme, whose goal is to support women - artists and representatives of creative fields, in expanding their portfolios and activity, especially in the context of internationalisation....
Master The Act
About An international project which aims to work on the methodology of using theatrical activities and digital skills in the development of competences supporting the ability to get hired within “long life learning”.Links Project website: www.mastertheact.euProject...
VX Designers
About An international project which aims to work on creating a methodology allowing to use the idea of an exhibition as a pedagogical tool, providing a basis to create own virtual exhibitions in the educational process for teachers and students, with partners from 6...
CUED Speech Europa
AboutAn international project which aims to work on the broad usage and promotion of French, Polish and Italian adaptations of cued speech in education, with partners from 3 countries of the European Union (2 partners each from Poland, Italy and Belgium). Lead...
P4CA – The Partnership for Creative Apprenticeships
About An international project which aims to work on frameworks and brand new tools supporting people engaged in the execution of workplace learning in the cultural and creative sectors, primarily high-quality and effective internships and apprenticeships with...
Bridging the Gap – new mentoring methods for young creative entrepreneurs in Europe
About An international project which aims to work on brand new digital and innovative tools, supporting the development of mentoring in cultural and creative sectors, with partners from 6 countries of the European Union (Poland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Slovakia...
Learn2Create – promoting Work-based Learning in Europe’s Cultural and Creative Industries
About An international project which aims to work on brand new tools supporting learning in the workplace (work-based learning), with partners from 6 countries of the European Union (Poland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Slovakia and Greece). They may be useful in a...
Within the framework of cooperation in international networks of which the ARTeria Foundation is a member, we participated in the following projects:
I_IMPROVED (Innovative, Informal Methodologies for Practical, River-Oriented and Versatile Education)
About An international project, whose partner was the River//Cities Platform network, which the ARTeria Foundation was a member of. The representatives of ARTeria, along with representatives of partner organisations from Sweden, Belgium, Lithuania, Austria and Italy,...
SOSclimatewaterfronts – Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience
About An international project, which aimed to develop a strategy of polishing research and innovations in order to create tools used to maintain high quality waterfront areas in the face of climate change. River//Cities Platform was a partner of the project, which is...
Act4C – Act for Culture in Europe: Phase II
About A project, which constituted a response to the European crisis’ problems. Its goal was to support the ‘Creative Europe’ programme in achieving its goals, in the context of ‘Europe 2020’ strategy. The project’s actions were concentrated on strengthening the...