After the year of running #DiOtherCity project almost all partners of international consortium met in person for the first time! Transnational partners meeting was hosted by Logopsycom in SkyLab Factory in Mons (Belgium) from 2nd to 4th of March 2022. Anna Ochmann and Wenancjusz Ochmann represented ARTeria during this event.
The agenda of this Steering Committee Meeting was very intense. Participants were focused first of all on reviewing and developing modules and tools to the project’s Open Educational Resources. All elements developed till now were presented and discussed during sessions led by CEPS (Spain) – the coordinator of the project. Logopsycom (Belgium) presented updated versions of case studies and then we continued working on further details of organising our modules and the OER in general. The quality management was presented by Citizens in Power (Cyprus), dissemination and exploitation activities by Mulab (Italy) and finally – digital activities were summed up by Les Apprimeurs (France) together with ARTeria (Poland). The project aims to create an open opportunity to experience travel by designing a learning program for professionals from the cultural and creative industries and locals who will design and conduct unusual urban tours using digital tools.
To learn more about the project: