Representatives of the ARTeria Foundation participated in the first part of the international meeting of partners of the Master the Act project, which took place on November 18th, 2020. The project’s implementation started at the beginning of November. We are happy to cooperate with our “old” partners again: Materahub (Italy) and Inova (Great Britain), and to establish partner cooperation with L’Albero (Italy, the coordinator of the project), Agencia Para el Empleo de Madrid (Spain), Asociatia European Academy, Ipazia Production SRL (both from Romania) and Pôle Emploi Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France).
At the beginning of the meeting, representatives of the project partners presented their organisations. Wenancjusz Ochmann, on behalf of the ARTeria Foundation, also presented a presentation in the pecha-kucha format.
Then, the representatives of L’Albero, the leader of the project, discussed the main goals, methodology, actions, and target groups of the project. In turn, the representatives of APEM, the leader of the first “intellectual result” discussed the most important activities and the work schedule for the following months.
The “Master the Act” project aims to establish and test tools connecting direct theatre laboratories with flexible digital learning, that may prove to be useful in the process of education and career development of professionals, not only in the creative sector. The main goal of the project is to polish the educational methods for the development of the complex range of skills, including i.e. digital skills, emotional intelligence, creative thinking, interpersonal and communication skills, leading and teamwork, as well as other global competencies necessary to one’s development on the constantly changing labour market.
Representatives of the ARTeria Foundation participated in the second part of the international meeting of the partners of the Master the Act project on November 27th, 2020. The project’s implementation began at the beginning of November. Information about the first part of the event is available here.
We started the meeting with a discussion about the methodology of creating an “empathy map” and workshops in groups, all the participants took part in them. Then, the meeting was dominated by matters concerning the management and the promotion of the project.
The “Master the Act” project’s partnership is working on creating and testing tools, connecting direct theatre laboratories with flexible digital learning, that may prove to be useful in the process of education and professional development of professionals, not only artists or creatives.
The meetings were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.