On February 21-23, 2022, the fourth transnational partnership meeting of the “Cued Speech Europa” project took place in Rome. The meeting was attended by representatives of all organizations, including representatives of two Polish partners – the ARTeria Foundation and the Catholic University of Lublin, two from Belgium: Logopsycom and ALPC Belgique, and two from Italy: Euforia Net and Istituto dei Sordi di Torino.

The meeting agenda included both the discussions on the substantive aspects of the project implementation as well as management and promotional issues.
The meeting started with an overview of the overall progress of the project: Berenger Dupont (Logopsycom) presented the progress of the development and testing phase of the training modules (“cueing” and “cue reading”) and discussed the next steps in the development of the project.
Florian Gallo (Istituto dei Sordi di Torino) referred to the export of training materials to EPUB format, and Sophie de Bock (ALPC Belgique) summarized the implementation and elements related to the finalization of the test phase of the first module “cueing”.

The next two project results will also be developed in the coming months. The first of these are exercises, developed in all language versions of the project, supporting the completion of the Cued Speech course. They will be available online and they will be in a printable version. The assumptions and work plan for this result of the project were presented by Jakub Karch (ARTeria Foundation). The last result, also aimed at supporting the learners in practicing the practical knowledge of Cued Speech, and discussed during the meeting, will be the online flashcards.

Cristina Ceccarelli (Euphoria Net) presented the progress of the project’s dissemination activities, and Ewa Domagała-Zyśk (Catholic University of Lublin), among others presented the rules of the certification process.

We invite you to follow the partners’ social media and the project website to be up to date with the progress of its implementation.