In regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, another international meeting of the steering group of the “Global FemART – Supporting Female Artists and Creatives to Globalise their Business” project took place in the form of an online conference.
During the event, organisational issues were discussed, associated with management, popularisation and promotion, monitoring and evaluation. The partners primarily focused on working on the intellectual results. The ARTeria Foundation, as the leader of IO4, updated the work plan and the schedule of pursuing its outcome – “Policymakers Guide Global FemART – the women that drive the creative industries”.
“Global FemART – Supporting Female Artists and Creatives to Globalise their Business” is a project which aims to support female artists in developing their entrepreneurial competencies through the creation of a complex programme, connecting online training with mentoring. The programme allows female artists and creators to broaden their knowledge on how to lead and develop creative business, and also strengthens their self-confidence and their feelings of security of their own effectiveness.
We also work on supporting the development of creative businesses in the context of their internationalisation and participation in the globalised market, in accordance with the “UE 2020” strategy in favour of augmentation of employment. It aims to build a cultural sector, capable of increased participation in employment in the whole of Europe. One of the most important results of the project is also the effort on spreading awareness of the ruling bodies concerning the existing gender inequalities in the cultural and creative sectors. The project, pursued with partners from Great Britain, Belgium and Italy, is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. We also invite you to the project’s site and its FB profile.