Learn2Create is an international partnership, which aims to create and test a new method of professional development, based on work-based learning in the cultural and creative sectors in Europe. Not only can a modern and creative workplace develop competencies, knowledge
and skills of artists and creatives, but can also influence employment growth, effectiveness and economic competition.
The partners of the Learn2Create project focus on the development of work-based learning practice (WBL) in the cultural and creative industries (CCI). The consortium of L2C established a programme and educational content based on long-term practice and cooperation with artists/creators, VET trainers, and teachers.
Recently, every partner country has held pilot sessions, whose aim was to check the methodology established as part of the project. In Poland, the pilot was held online, which allowed teachers of the whole country to participate: our participants live anywhere in the country, from Koszalin to Lublin. Teachers of vocational artistic/art schools were the majority of participants. The Learn2Create sessions’ atmosphere was friendly and encouraging to act. During the meetings, the content of the platform was discussed (the participants got access to the platform), the training materials were approached in a comprehensive manner, and we also completed a few tasks. The participants were given “homework” after the meeting, which we discussed and summarised during the next gathering.
The invited teachers, according to the conversations we had had, didn’t have much knowledge about work-based learning (WBL) in the creative industries. However, they noticed the necessity to use this concept in practice. The INNOGATE organisation also pointed out this need: their workshops’ participants declared a desire to promote work-based learning at their institutions and schools. These conclusions are very uplifting for
us, because they prove that there is a need for promoting WBL in various countries, as in our opinion it is the most effective professional learning method when it comes to creative sectors.
“The impression I have got as a moderator of the session, was that the pilot event was a success because of two reasons: a) we received valuable feedback, which can prove to be useful in pursuing the project, b) the participants enjoyed this educational experience and felt that they benefited from it” – Dimitra
“We view the L2C project as an opportunity to get to know new methods and mentoring techniques. We like the way in which individual actions are created, thanks to them we can introduce innovations and develop the approach to education”. -RDA
We invite you to the L2C project’s site: https://www.learn2create.eu/pl/
Photo: Michalina Kuczyńska