Two years of wonderful adventure within the ABIbooks project, i.e. the creation of interactive books that can be used in school and early childhood education, is coming to an end. On 9 December 2023, a meeting to summarise and disseminate the results of the project was held at the Municipal Centre for Culture and Sport in Pyskowice. We presented the project objectives, European dimention of the project – its scope and the structure of the project consortium.
The most important part of the meeting, however, was the presentation of the results – two libraries: the first of interactive books and the second of 17 interactive ABIbooks developed as part of the project (which generated a lot of interest among the audience), pedagogical files useful for the future user, as well as two guides: a supporting learners’ guide and a white paper ‘Interactivity: the key to acquiring basic skills’, and finaly – DIY tutorials with which anyone can create interactive books for educational purposes.
The presentation of an inclusive and innovative pedagogical approach – a summary of the testing phase of the interactive books – was also an inspiring part.