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Final multiplier event under the BIGTIME TAKEOVER project in Pyskowice

One of the most important activities in Erasmus+ projects are the so-called multiplier events.

And just such an event took place on 12 April 2023 as part of the Bigtime Takeover project. In the hospitable surroundings of the Pyskowice Town Hall, the ARTeria Foundation from Zabrze, in cooperation with the town’s Culture and Sports Centre, invited a group of young people to a meeting. These were young people from different backgrounds, including disadvantaged ones. As part of the meeting, a representative of the ARTeria Foundation, Wenancjusz Ochmann, presented all the results produced as part of the Big Time Takeover project. The effect of the Polish project activities, ARTzin unKnown, was also shown. The idea and process of creating this magazine was briefly discussed. Projects from other partnership countries were also presented – read more.

The activities of the Bees platform, which was created and developed by young participants from all project partnership countries who worked in a workshop in Matera (Italy) were presented.

Most of the time, the idea of ‘takeover’ itself, i.e. young people ‘taking over’ digital media to publish content that is relevant and interesting to them, was presented. A discussion developed about how to create interesting and valuable content and who should do it. Is social media activity just a daily pastime for young people or is it something more. As part of an intergenerational discussion, young people tried to explain what digital media means to them to people a little older. The results of the Big Time Takeover project inspired a different view of young people and their activities in digital media. An example that young people can be creative and that they are not indifferent to important social and environmental topics.

The second part of the meeting also included a drumming workshop as part of artistic activities and intergenerational mentoring. Participants were also able to treat themselves to tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes.

ARTeria Foundation
Jana Brożka 4, 41-818 Zabrze

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© ARTeria Foundation