The barcamp of Bigtime Takeover project was organised in Matera, Italy from 25th to 29th of July 2022. The barcamp is an inspirational way to meet and discuss – the purpose of this meeting was to encourage free thinking, curiosity, the circulation of ideas.
Magadalena Zieleńska and Mikołaj Woszczyk represented ARTeria at this innovative and ambitious meeting and they worked together with very talented and creative group of young people from Italy, the UK, North Macedonia and Cyprus. You can follow the project created by young participants by social media pages: and learn about their inspirational project aimed at educating people about climate change.
“Bigtime Takeover” project focuses on methods to develop and enhance creativity and digital skills of young people. The results of our work will be tools for youth arts educators to boost confidence of youth and their motivation through artistic self-expression. These tools will help to develop “soft” skills that are fostering civic participation and empowerment.