On September 19th and 20th 2023 the third meeting of partners for the “Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow” project took place. This time, teams from Poland, Slovenia, Finland, Hungary, and Serbia worked in Budapest, Hungary. The organization Pro Progressione hosted the event at the Juranyi Art Incubator House. On the first day, both managerial and artistic groups gathered. Participants presented the results of Module 3, which involved meetings between poets and teachers, as well as poetic walks involving poets, teachers, and local communities. Discussions were held regarding the upcoming project event, the Poetry Day in schools. In the afternoon, artists prepared for the poetry evening and explored contemporary literature centers in Budapest. Meanwhile, the managerial teams discussed the poetry event planned in Frankfurt during the local Book Fair. The evening was dedicated to a theatrical performance at the Bethlen Theatre.
On September 20th 2023 the following day of the partners’ meeting, there was a tour of Budapest, highlighting historical and cultural sites. There were also rehearsals for the poetry evening by poets. The managerial team and a portion of the artistic team had the opportunity to meet with a Hungarian literature teacher and participate in workshops with a book illustrator. Both activities were interactive and aimed at exchanging ideas. In the afternoon members of the managerial and artistic groups visited the Juranyi Art Incubator House and later joined the poets for an evening dedicated to poetry.
The ARTeria Foundation was represented by the artistic team: Małgorzata Lebda (poet), Rafał Siderski (visual artist), and Weronika Murek (dramaturge). The managerial team consisted of Anna Ochmann and Ewa Grynicka.