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“ER for CCIs” project partners meeting

tags: ER4CCIs

On 28-29 June 2023, the first ER for CCIs project partners meeting was held in Mons, Belgium.

This is a small-scale project, so that future meetings will already take place online. Nevertheless, it was extremely important for the representatives of the partner organisations, who will be working together in this project in the coming months, to get to know each other in person. The project partnership consists of four organisations. The ARTeria Foundation from Poland and CEPS from Spain are expert organisations in the field of cultural and creative industries, the Belgian Logopsycom and the Italian Eufemia are expert organisations in the field of gamification and the use of Escape Rooms ideas in education.

At the beginning of the meeting, a discussion developed on the different definitions of Escape Rooms in the different countries of the partnership. The different types of Escape Rooms were also detailed:

  • physical Escape Rooms, onliner ERs, box Escape Rooms, card games and city games often inaccurately also called Escape Rooms.

Logopsycom and Eufemia, as expert organisations, showed examples of several projects in which the idea of ER was used in the preparation of training materials. In addition, all participants were able to take part in practical workshops by testing a card version of several ER games and learning about their specific features. This was extremely important in the context of the creation of ER scenarios for teaching entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural industries, planned as part of the project implementation. The ARTeria Foundation and CEPS, in turn, presented information related to the reality of the cultural and creative industries in the context of raising the entrepreneurial competences of young people wishing to work in them.

A large part of the meeting was devoted to issues related to the management of the project, the division of tasks and the responsibility of partners in this area. The ARTeria Foundation, as the project leader, presented the entire plan of activities in the project, as well as formal and financial issues. Issues related to the project’s logo, the creation of a website and other issues related to the dissemination of the project were also discussed. As the project has already been running for several months, the first activities of WP2 have already been implemented. The partners reviewed these and planned further activities carefully in line with the project timetable.

ARTeria Foundation
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