“There is no recovery or future for Europe without culture” – the European cultural ecosystem is convinced that Europe needs a new Cultural Deal. We understand this ‘deal’ as a transversal, overarching framework that should demonstrate the EU’s political commitment to place culture at the heart of the European project.

The #CulturalDealEU campaign calls heads of states and governments of the EU Member States to devote at least 2% of their National Resilience and Recovery Plans (NRRPs) to culture and show due evidence for cultural and European relevance. It also demands the full inclusion of culture in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the European Green Deal.

#CulturalDealEU is jointly developed by Culture Action Europe, the European Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra (representing the European Heritage Alliance).
ARTeria has been member of Culture Action Europe since 2010 and we are engaged in this campaign, to find more and sign the statement go to: https://cultureactioneurope.org/projects/culturaldealeu-campaign/