On February 7-8, 2023, the fourth international meeting of the DiOtherCity project partners took place in Paris. Representatives of partner organizations from France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Cyprus and Poland focused on the review and updates of project results as well as on administrative issues. Important part of the meeting was discussion about reviewing progress and finalizing documents with translations of OER course materials (in all partners’ languages) and national testing workshops already carried out together with reviewing plans for National testing workshops in February and March. As the project is coming to an end, partners also talked about dissemination and exploitation. They made an overview of dissemination actions up to now, discussed new ideas for creative dissemination in the last push until the end of the project, and reviewed target audiences and made a list of potential associated partners. The final meeting together with the international multiplier event will be organised in Barcelona in May 2023.
More about the project: https://diothercity.eu/