Culture in Europe: where do we stand on gender equality? – International Forum “Entreprendre dans la Culture” in Paris multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
The ARTeria Foundation at the General Meeting of Culture Action Europe (CAE) multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
The ARTeria Foundation and Voices of Culture – conclusions after the last online meeting multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
“High-level forum on individual learning accounts” online conference multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
ENCATC – an assembly of the members of the international network, with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Gender Equality in European Culture Conference with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Cultural management and policy in a post-digital world – navigating uncertainty. The ENCATC network congress with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
“Framing Creative Futures“ – ARTeria at the European Creative Industries Summit multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Manifesto for a Modern Cultural Policy – consultations with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Education to Ensure Smart Skills: CCI Innovations for education & skills – with ARTeria innovative education, newsread more
Annual General Assembly 2020 of the Culture Action Europe network with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more