REACT – Ressources for European Accessible Cultural Tours current, innovative education, projectsread more
Poetry as an inspiration II – meeting of poets and teachers as part of module 4 culture without borders, newsread more
Second transnational meeting of ALEX project partners in Alicante innovative education, newsread more
First meeting of Breaking Taboo project partners in Mons, Belgium innovative education, newsread more
Next international meeting of the Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow project in Budapest culture without borders, newsread more
The seminar for gender equality in the music sector in Europe with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
International cooperation, working with amateur artists articles, multidimensional cooperation, publishingsread more
Last international meeting of ABIbooks project partners in Bastia Umbria innovative education, newsread more
Go with us for inspirational tour with DiOtherCity in Katowice culture without borders, newsread more
Final multiplier event under the BIGTIME TAKEOVER project in Pyskowice innovative education, newsread more
The Second transnational meeting of Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow project in Belgrade culture without borders, newsread more
Can poetry be taught? – about POETS OF TODAY-VOICE OF TOMORROW project in PISMO magazine multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
Signing of a cooperation agreement with school no. 28 in Gliwice multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
The second workshops under the Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow project culture without borders, newsread more
The final meeting of international partners of the Master the Act project in Madrid innovative education, newsread more
YOU MUST NOT WASTE YOUR TALENT, NOT GIVE UP YOUR PASSION articles, culture without borders, publishingsread more
First workshops under the Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow project culture without borders, newsread more
Escape Rooms for the Cultural and Creative Industries archival, innovative education, projectsread more
GrowthFundMe – Supporting community-based entrepreneurship and solidarity through civic crowdfunding current, multidimensional cooperation, projectsread more
2023 Cultural Deal for Europe policy conversation ”Culture is the new energy for Europe” with ARTeria multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
The first workshop organised under the “Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow ” project in Poland multidimensional cooperation, newsread more
The fourth international meeting of the DiOtherCity project partners in Paris innovative education, newsread more
On passion for action, inspiring courtesans and unobvious stories discovered anew articles, culture without borders, publishingsread more
Bigtime Takeover – the transnational partners meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus innovative education, newsread more
Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow – we invite teacher to join the project culture without borders, newsread more