A meeting concluding the Global FemArt project was held on April 24th, 2021. During the event, a presentation of the project and its results were presented. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to conversations with the invitees – lecturers Joanna Ambroz and Monika Chylak.
Do not fear to do big things, even though you’ve only taken up the smaller ones so far.
Joanna Ambroz – an artist, designer, Ph.D. student at Katowice’s Academy of Fine Arts. She discussed her own experiences concerning the internationalisation of artistic activity – its opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages, difficulties, and the things that didn’t cause too many problems. Joanna also shared her experiences with the Etsy platform, which is promoted as part of the Global FemArt project. The listeners received valuable advice, both practical, and associated with a personal philosophy of artistic approach. An important conclusion of Ambroz’s was that the storytelling and the idea itself are crucial in arts. There is no real point in creating something we do not identify with. Thanks to this, our recipients will possibly be able to find their problems or issues in our work.
Joanna’s Etsy profile: https://www.etsy.com/pl/shop/JoannaAmbroz
A guidebook of marketing: http://bityl.pl/9sZ6I
Monika Chylak was the second lecturer – a lawyer, trainee attorney-at-law, graduate of post-graduate studies of intellectual property law at the Jagiellonian University, who primarily deals with copyright. Monika started with copyright related issues at an international level. She discussed, among other things, why violating the copyright laws in various countries is such a complicated issue, and how to protect yourself from them. Matters concerning concluding international agreements were also raised. Monika Chylak got to know the copyright regulations of the international site allowing people to sell their work – Etsy, and explained the most important things that need to be taken into consideration before one displays their work there.
The SO IN LAW blog, referred to by Monika – a source of copyright in practice:
Practical guidebooks of copyright: https://www.wydawnictwo-odnowa.pl/katalog-ksiazek/1009-poradnik-dla-fotografow-poradnik-dla-projektantow.html
Unfortunately, the meeting was the last one as part of the Global FemArt project – as it is approaching its end. More about the project and its results can be found here: https://www.globalfemart.eu