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Multiplier event of the GrowthFundMe project

The ARTeria Foundation invited people interested in developing a unique approach to developing entrepreneurial competences based on building a social network and on developing skills for raising funds through civic crowdfunding to participate in a dissemination meeting of the project ‘GrowthFundMe – supporting community-based entrepreneurship and solidarity through civic crowdfunding’.

We presented the assumptions of the project, the results realised so far, the project platform ora invited to two training cycles planned for June and September 2024.

During the meeting, Wenancjusz Ochmann, Vice President of the Foundation, discussed the idea of raising funding for a variety of business and social, and above all cultural, projects based on community mobilisation activities. Civic or social crowdfunding is an innovative but underdeveloped concept in Poland, although it is already a practical instrument for facilitating entrepreneurship and social skills in Belgium, for example, where it is a fast-growing sector.

The GrowthFundMe project is implemented by partners from 4 countries (Poland, Belgium, Bulgaria and the Netherlands). In Poland, the project is implemented by the ARTeria Foundation from Zabrze. Within the framework of this project, we are working on a unique approach to developing entrepreneurial competences based on building a social network and on the topic of raising funding through citizen crowdfunding.

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Project financing

ARTeria Foundation
Jana Brożka 4, 41-818 Zabrze

Entry No. KRS 0000269041
Statistical No. Regon 240600010
Tax ID NIP 6482618597

© ARTeria Foundation