The latest event of this year’s European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS 2020) was organised under the title “Framing Creative Futures” on October 28th, 2020. On the one hand, it was a summary of a series of seminars and workshops pursued within the last two months. On the other hand, it was a political forum for shaping the future of our society and creative economy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The completed document is also supposed to be a source of inspiration and recommendations for regional, national and European ruling bodies.
Ruling bodies and politicians participated in the event, representing both the European Union and the summit’s host (it was broadcast from Berlin), entrepreneurs and companies of cultural and creative industries also took part in the event. The European Creative Industries Summit is one of the most important events organised during the German EU presidency, during the second half of 2020. Caroline Norbury (Creative England, chairwoman of the ECBN network) and Bernd Fesel (ECBN president) were the hosts of the meeting. The reports concerning five previous preparatory sessions (Anna Ochmann, the chairwoman of the ARTeria Foundation participated in one of them) were presented by Ugo Bacchella (Fitzcarraldo Foundation), Charles Landry (Creative Bureaucracy), Michaela Magas (Industry Commons), Egbert Rühl (Kreativwirtschaft Hamburg) and Gerin Trautenberger (Kreativwirtschaft Austria), and moderated by Chérine De Bruijn. As part of the political forum, Carmen Goby (Chambers of Commerce Austria), Ismo Silvo (YLE Areena), Carsten Brosda (Culture and Media, Hamburg), Andreas Kaufmann (ECCIA, Brussels), Johannes Ebert (Goethe-Institut), Peter Altmaier (Minister of Economics Affairs and Energy), Mariya Gabriel (EU-Commissioner), Martin Kern (Direktor EIT) oraz Christian Ehler (MEP) spoke up. The opening speech was given by Guillaume de Seynes.
The “Framing Creative Futures” was a result of the cooperation of the international European Creative Business Network, The Federal Republic of Germany Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and the German Competence Centre for Creative Industries.
The European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS) was established in 2010 by the international European Creative Business Network (ECBN) as a forum, a space for meetings and debates. It is a conference dedicated to chances and challenges the creative sector faces, as well as to the development of possible solutions and discussing European politics. Today, ECIS is the main summit of the cultural and creative industries (CCI), which annually gathers more than 200 experts from Europe. It is organised in the capital city of the country that is holding the presidency of the EU in a given period.
Anna Ochmann, the chairwoman of the ARTeria Foundation, participated in the meeting.
More about the event here.