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Breaking taboos about mental health

An international project in which partners from 5 countries (Poland, Belgium, France, Slovenia and Lithuania) work together to raise awareness among youth workers on the issue of adolescent mental health. We encourage them to set up awareness-raising and prevention actions by using innovative digital mediation tools. We work to increase their digital skills, which are currently required in most professional sectors and in particular the education and training sector, and thus increase their chances of professional integration. Project partners develop a set of resources for adolescents and youth workers: a prevention kit, a collection of good practices, pedagogical sheets, a self-assessment quiz, 5 interactive stories and a creation kit.

Project website:

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Project finansing

ARTeria Foundation
Jana Brożka 4, 41-818 Zabrze

Entry No. KRS 0000269041
Statistical No. Regon 240600010
Tax ID NIP 6482618597

© ARTeria Foundation